The eyes of predators are highly sensitive to the slightest movement.
So, as odd as the starfish body plan seems, something about it was successful -- from their ancient bilateral ancestors, to the radial crinoids with their upward-facing arms, to the predatory, downward-facing starfish.
因此, 尽管海星的身体计划看起来很奇怪,但它的某些方面是成功的——从它们古老的双侧祖先,到手臂朝上的放射状海百,再到捕食性的、面朝下的海星。
Using makeup to paint the backs of both male and female spiders, the researchers made each sex look like the opposite to determine whether that would change the behavior of a much larger jumping spider, the predatorial Phidippus californicus.
研究人员使用化妆品在雄性和雌性蜘蛛的背部涂上颜色,让每种性别看起来都相反, 以确定这是否会改变一种更大的跳蛛— —捕食性 Phidippus californicus 的行为。