Hand on belt switch, kindjal poised, the Duke skirted the body, slipped down the passage and peered around the corner toward the shield generator room.
I sat, and then, because it felt wrong to be looking down at him, I lay back, positioning myself carefully, wary of dislodging something, of hurting him.
So they took the participants and physically posed them, either in expansive postures with their arm across the back of the chair, their feet up on the desk.
Now, so this is you can take a a picture and you can pose for the picture, and that's where you, you know, you can kind of get into your striking pose or whatever.
Measurements were taken before the participants were posed in the posture to get a kind of a natural or baseline level, and then measurements were taken after two minutes in the posture.
Eleseus is used to hotels; he makes himself at hojne, hangs up his coat and stick on the wall, and calls for coffee; as for something to eat, his father has things in a basket.
The short and simple preparations were made without more delay, and the Gadfly placed himself in the required position, only turning his head to glance up for a moment at the red and yellow splendour of the sunrise.