Conclusions Dragons blood powder has broad-spectrum sterilization.It can clear toxic materials,remove the necrotic tissue,enable convergence wound and scabbing without skin grafting,markedl...
The results of tests show that the new subsampling method outperforms other subsampling methods in less extrema and convergence performance of the normalized mutual information.
The blind equalization algorithm is “equanimous” and the characteristic of convergence is not influenced by distortion of channel, it is fit for equalizing deep attenuation channel.
At the same time, a new clutterlock algorithm of proportion factor self-adaptive in image field is introduced, which can improve the converging speed and the precision of result.
A relatively direct method is expounded in this paper to prove the termwise differentiation of power series, and a simple method is expressed to calculate the Fourier coefficient.
From the analysis of the faults distributing characters,the main part of faults have two group normal fault system with "lambdoidal shape"and trending towards to NE and NS separately.
It should be noted that the method for updating multipliers is similar but different to the surrogate subgradient method, which is more robust and stable for accelerating the convergence rate.