He hammered out the dents in the metal sheet.
So what I'm doing I'm knocking all the barnacles off, sorting through and finding all the good oysters.
" If I see you riding on my grass again, I'll knock your hat right off your head! "
They sent him to the far north-east, his teeth knocked out to silence him, to cut hay and cart manure.
Marcone knocked the ashes savagely from his pipe.
You want to get your head knocked off with one of them balls.
Holmes knocked out the ashes of his pipe with a quiet chuckle.
福轻笑一声, 敲掉斗里的灰烬。
I'm surprised you didn't knock down a wall or two.
You knocked that last one out of my hand. Remember?
你把最后一罐从我手里敲掉 还记得吗?
But pick him up nice or he'll knock off a brace of prowlies for you.
但要好好把他抱起来, 否则他会为你敲掉一大堆小偷。
When it did shut it did so unexpectedly and knocked one's hat off.
We're diamonds in the rough and we need people like Andy Grove to knock off those rough edges.
Break the teeth in their mouths, O God; Lord, tear out the fangs of those lions!
" Oh, knock it off" – stop it;stop trying to make fun of me, in this case.
'Leave off tramping from corner to corner, please, ' he observed, knocking the ash off his cigar.
“拜托,别再从一个角落走到另一个角落了, ” 他边说边敲掉雪茄上的灰。
To get that, we knock the 'A' off and harden that 'C' into a 'K' and get a 'Ketone'.
Juanita says, " Knock it off." That's a common, informal expression you'll hear among friends and family members.
胡安妮塔说, “把它敲掉。这是您在朋友和家人中听到的常见、非正式的表达方式。
" He smiles less often now, " Lord Ramsay confessed. " I may have broken some of his pretty white teeth" .
" 他现在不爱笑了," 拉姆老爷承认," 或许是因为我敲掉了他几颗白净漂亮的牙齿。"
" Knockoff" : Again, you can " knock" something off the table, but it could also mean steal.
“Knockoff” :同样,您可以“敲掉” 桌子上的东西, 但也可能意味着偷东西。
Knocking the stool out is extraordinarily hard, and the current high value of bitcoin and ether makes it even harder.
What if somehow we could convince Angie to let us break through the wall and rent out their back office?
如果我们能有办法说服安吉让我们敲掉那面墙 然后把办公室租给我们呢?