One group placed a moleskin pad -- which has no known wart curatie powers -- on a wart.The second group coered a wart with a moleskin pad that had an under layer of clear duct tape.
These several considerations make me believe that the wingless condition of so many Madeira beetles is mainly due to the action of natural selection, combined probably with disuse.
This was true both for test hooks and for controls, suggesting other factors were at play—but a second experiment comparing entire lines that were guarded and unguarded would be needed to prove the point securely.
Antidotes to ricin, sad to say, are still in the early stages of development, but because ricin takes several days to kill, compounds are being investigated that can block it from reaching ribosomes in new cells in the body.
The most interesting holds that the things that don't work have attained the highest state possible for an inanimate object, the state to which things that break down and things that get lost can still only aspire.