After these hackers are atttacking a website normally, replace website content into the page that contains remonstrant content, affix anarchism mark, still leave their assumed name.
The 'Guerrilla Garderners' work under the cover of night, armed with seed bombs, chemical weapons and pitchforks. Their tactics are anarchistic, their attitude revo-lutionary. Their aim: to beautify.
A peaceful demonstration had been hijacked by anarchists intent on causing trouble.
和平示威已遭到蓄意制造事端的无政府主义者的操控。文中 hijacked 是 hijack 的过去词形式(相当于形容词) ,修饰 social media trends,意思是:被操纵的热搜,就是我们平时说的“花钱买热搜”。讲个冷笑话,如果你有个朋友叫 Jack ,在飞机偶然见到他之后, 打招呼可不要随便说 Hi。