Lastly, by using the FORTRAN language, the thesis compiles the program of the stiffness optimization process of short-leg shear wall-corewall structure.
This technique uses a convolutional neural network to accomplish something similar, but in the end, it doesn't give us an image, but a set of convolution kernels.
Ultimately became the thing that is of core of Facebook, the Newsfeed. It's not one of the core of Facebook but it's the core of every social media application we used.
Since we have a neural network over here, it goes without saying that the training takes place on a large number of before-after image pairs, so that the network is able to produce these convolution kernels.
VR was at the core of Lazy Worm's highly successful training app for pilots at the Port of Auckland, which simulated the hazardous process of climbing up a high rope ladder onto moving container ships.
We launched video last year, that was just solos and duets, and for us singing is about singing with as many people, that's the core of the app, that's the social part of the app.