Hydrotest report in english for each individual line item.Such hydrotest report must be approved by applicant's shanghai office before shipment effected.
The in situ rock stress prevents the rise of confined water and water inrush for thick floor aquifuge,but for thin floor aquifuge the in situ rock stress wo.
They took careful precautions while spraying down the 850-year-old Parisian monument, like using lower water pressure, and avoiding stained glass vulnerable to shattering.
The disrupted water supply affected firefighters who could not efficiently combat the inferno, although one hydrant at Church and 20th miraculously maintained enough water pressure.
供中断影响了消防员,他们无法有效地扑灭大火,尽管 Church 和 20th 的一个消防栓奇迹般地保持了足够的。
And these receptors vibrate and when they vibrate, it tells the fish about things like water current, water pressure, as well as objects in their environment.