Navy sources say the drill involves more than 100 naval vessels, dozens of aircrafts, several missile launch battalions, as well as information warfare troops.
The relations between the two countries deteriorated last month when Peru said they had evidence that Chile had paid three members of the Peruvian navy to pass on confidential information.
Great Britain, in dire need of men for her navy, adopted the practice of stopping American ships, searching them, and carrying away British-born sailors found on board.
Army and Navy personnel, with the help of volunteers, are using boats to navigate flooded towns and cities, bringing people to government buildings and schools that have been converted into shelters.
Jeremiah Denton wasn’t your average prisoner of war. While many were young privates, often draftees, he was a seasoned Navy man with over twenty years of experience behind him.
So I kept track of where Army and Navy wives and children were being housed, and all Navy and Army men were instructed by the Red Cross to telephone me to find out where their families were.