Increasingly bureaucratic paperwork is a pain, complains Sidharth Sharma of Shambala Festival, a smaller event, while providing better food and drink is expensive.
During the first year of imprisonment, the lawyer, as far as it was possible to judge from his short notes, suffered terribly from loneliness and boredom.
Chips are one of the " cheaply pleasant" foods with which the " underfed, harassed, bored and miserable" may console themselves, wrote George Orwell in " The Road to Wigan Pier" .
To be left to pass the evening by herself was irksome to her at any time, and this evening it was more irksome than usual by reason of the excitements of the past hours.
If, seized by an intolerable boredom, he had determined to be a painter merely to break with irksome ties, it would have been comprehensible, and commonplace; but commonplace is precisely what I felt he was not.
It was stupid, pointless, irritating beyond belief that he still had four days left of being unable to perform magic… but he had to admit to himself that this jagged cut in his finger would have defeated him.