He loved to be told that one of his imaginary products was temporarily out of stock and he would faithfully promise to call again at some future date, but of course he never did.
I should have believed him, because I know him; but it displeased me that he should smile, and I thought: " Oh! now that he has had a prize, he has grown saucy" !
But when the young man asks in a sullen tone about " that garage place" mentioned in the ad, Parvaneh looks him up and down carefully, nods drily, and asks what car he drives.
" She can pick it up in the bike shed, then, " says Ove, tapping melodramatically at the sign prohibiting bicycles from being left in the area, before turning around and heading back towards his house.
Will had told her Jonas made a great to-do about being equal with the negroes, ate with them, visited in their houses, rode them around with him in his carriage, put his arms around their shoulders.