To be a namely piper it is necessary to study for 7 years.
要做个著手, 要学习七年。
South Africa produces excellent string players, many of them taught by 82-year-old Jack de Wet (who taught Ms Bennell), and Sophie Cherrier has made France the country to go to for young flautists.
南非多出杰出弦乐演奏家,而他们大都师从于现已82岁高龄的Jack de Wet(他也是Bennell的老师);法国横笛大师Sophie Cherrier则令年轻笛手们都争相奔往法国。
" Very well" . The harpist and the piper bowed and hurried out, while Cersei kissed her cousin chastely on the cheek. " Leave us, Lancel. My brother's harmless when he's alone. If he'd brought his pets, we'd smell them."
" 很好," 竖琴手和笛手一鞠躬,快退出,瑟曦礼节性地吻了吻堂弟的脸颊," 去吧,蓝赛尔,我老弟孤身一人时没能耐。假如他带了宠物,臭气我们早闻到了。"