The company has already raised captive-bred yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) and mulloway (Argyrosomus hololepidotus), which are now in significant commercial production.
If the wastewater concentration was too high, it would stimulate fungus, aminate bacteria, denitrifying bacteria and some anaerobic bacteria to propagate.
"We've become completely and utterly desensitise to the fact that breeding these deformed, disabled, disease-prone animals is either shocking or abnormal."
(2) all of biological characters, such as cormel's fresh weight, size, height, root length, roughness and root quantities, presented 1% significant difference.
Using the structure model of hyphomycetoma growth,a time-segment parameter adjustment approach was proposed to adapt to the change of parameters throughout the fermentation process.
The water eutrophication is caused by the incessant accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus in water and excessive propagation of a few of algal and hydrobios.