Methods Erythrocyte activatory T were detected with peanut agglutinin, T poly-agglutination erythrocyte were detected with many serum of homo-blood donor.
Levitation, linear motion, rotation and several collection patterns of erythrocyte have been observed and suitable conditions for dielectrophoresis of erythrocyte have been found.
Figure 2.B, On high-power magnification microscopy, the specimen showed a patternless tissue culture-like appearance with multiple mitoses and extraasated red blood cells.
Histopathologic examination showed hyperkeratosis of epidermis, increased thickness of the granular layer and dilation of subpapillary vessels filled with red blood cells.
The acidophil erythroblast and erythrocyte had more hemoglobin in the euchromatin areas of nuclei, less nuclear pores, and wider perinuclear space than polychromatophil erythroblast.
The necrotic epithelium becomes embedded in exuding fibrin and red and white cells,so that a grayish pseudomembrane is formed-commonly over the tonsils,pharynx or larynx.