We made a synthesis of their studies.
By doing the above, we will create the pivotal underpinning for completing the building of a moderately prosperous society and celebrate with outstanding accomplishments the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic.
" Could it be that feeling younger is actually dysfunctional and no longer helping you focus on what's going on? That's the more complicated question, " says Hans-Werner Wahl (69 in real life, 55 in his head), a co-author of the meta-analysis.
“感觉年轻实际上是一种功能失调,不能再帮助你专注于正在发生的事情吗? 这是一个更复杂的问题,”汉斯-沃纳·沃尔(实际年龄为69岁,心理年龄为55岁)说,他是这项综的著者。