The rebels are on the run now. Victory is ours.
Economies are troubled by shortages of parts and labor, slow and expensive shipping and the bewildering variation of lockdown measures.
对于全球经济来说,这个夏天可谓糟心不断.美国、欧洲和中国的经济增长都不尽如人意, 低于投资者预期,但物价却攀升,美国尤其如此.即便是通胀长期低迷的欧元区,今年 八月的物价也同比上涨了 3%,创下十年来最高. 零部件和劳动力短缺,航运滞后、 成本高 昂, 防控措施 " 朝令夕改" ,令人所适从,这些问不困扰着各国的经济。
No one had lost faith in the invincibility of the troops but everyone, the civilians at least, had lost faith in the General. New Hope Church was only thirty-five miles from Atlanta!
Over the last 20 years, as a nurse practitioner and a functional nutritionist, I've seen tremendous shifts, tremendous shifts in health and wellness: escalating rates of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, many of which are preventable.
在过去的 20 年里,做为个执业护士和功能营养学家,我看到了些巨大的转变,在身心灵健康上的巨大转变:上升的肥胖、糖尿病和心血管疾病的比例,其中有很多是可避免的。
However, after peaking in power in the sixteenth century it had lost ground to its neighbours, Russia, Prussia and Austria, during the course of the seventeenth century, hamstrung by an overly powerful aristocracy and a backwards economic system.
然而,在16世纪达到权力顶峰后,在17世纪期间,由于过于强大的贵族和落后的经济体系的拖累, 它在其邻国俄罗斯、普鲁士和奥地利的影响下败退。