The next time the world knew about him made a lot of people worried, he was photographed looking " dishevelled" , with untidy clothes and long fingernails.
One of his eyes was swollen yellow and purple, there were gouge marks on his face, and his general air of unkemptness suggested that he had been living rough.
When he first awakened in that godforsaken room - unkempt, bottles strewn about, the shattered spectacles of a forgotten night - there was an uncanny sense of reality.
He was seldom bathing, his hair and beard were unkempt and he was sleeping on the floor of his cell instead of on his bunk bed, according to people at the jail.
So, if you are unkempt, we get the idea that maybe the person has not washed for some time, they haven't brushed their teeth, their clothes are falling apart.