Piezoresistivity of ECAC may involve proximity effect, microcrack and the staggered arrangements of conductive pass-ways due to shear strength of aggregates.
But in the couse of lathing and dawdling,the trouble of deformation,empyrosis and crack lf parts often appears which affects seriously the processing quality.
A reliable, feasible finite element analysis model for multi-pin-hole connected structure with multi-cracks was established with contact between pin and the conjunctional structure.
Model testing study is made on prefabricated spiral V-notch blasting, and hydromatic method is used to simulate the quasi-static process in blasting of explosive.
The crack initiates at stress concentration point in the root of weld, where has much more martenite, carbide and inclusion, and the serious hydrogen segregation.
It holds that main causes promoting crack on martensite stainless steel are gross martensite and crystal boundary carburet and secondary phase distributed along crystal boundary.
The color of the products is argent grey metallic shine, smooth, unknit. They mustn't be oxydic badly, lacking of sintering, over heating, delamination and cracking.
The dynamic equation of the transient response in a cracked rotor system was modelled, the numerical simulation solutions of the uncracked rotor and the cracked rotor were obtained.
Air hole, burnthrough, cooapse and welding crackle occurred in the fixed overhead weld for aluminium and aluminium alloy tubes, above all the small-size thin wall tube.
The star cracks in macrostructure appear in some hypo-peritectic continuous cast alloy blooms and these cracks cannot be stuck completely by hot rolling reduction ratio,macroetching testing and SEM.