These achievements include the axiomatization of programming languages and data types, formal verification, and formal specification and analysis.
However, Austin soon discovered that these conditions only apply to some cases.
施为句和叙事句。它们不能应用于传统的真值判断方法。因此,他对施为句和叙事句作了区分。(1) 定义施为句用来做事的,不陈述事实,也不描述情况,且不能验证其真假;叙事句要么用于陈述,要么用于验证,可以验证其真假。(2) 条件虽然施为句没有真假,但必须满足一定条件才的。我们把奥斯汀的条件简化如下:①必须有一个相应的规约程序,并且相关的参与者与环境的。②该程序必须正确全面地得到执行。③有关人必须有相关的思想、感情和意图,而且必须有相关的后续行为。但奥斯汀很快就认识到,这些条件只用于部分情况。
Though no one died or was even injured-and the accident led to new protocols and training under which the plant's second, intact reactor operated uneventfully until 2019-the accident hardened the public and environmentalists against nuclear energy.