She gave him a guileless look, but he knew he couldn’t really trust her.
声明:以上例句、词性分类均由互联网资源自动生成,部分未经过人工审核,其表达内容亦不代表本软件的观点;若发现问题,欢迎向我们指正。 soon as I have further information . I will make another announcement , I ask you lindly to remain calm , there is no danger at this time.
只要我船有进一步的息,我船将另行告知。我船诚恳地要求各位保持镇静。现根本没有危险。28。there is smoke formation in main deck---access to this area is prohibited。主甲板有烟雾---禁止进入该地区。29。 for safety reason we request all passengers to prepare to go to their assembly stations 。 access to the assembly stations will be via galley door and upstairs, do not forget to take your lifejackets and blankets with you。由于安全原因,我们请求各位旅客准备到集合地点,进入集合地点先经厨房门后上楼。不要忘了带救生衣毯子。
With praiseworthy discretion, the good lady said nothing, and betrayed no sign of enlightenment, but cordially urged Laurie to stay and begged Amy to enjoy his society, for it would do her more good than so much solitude.