| 划词

Chromatin The loose network of threads seen in nondividing nuclei that represents the chromosomal material, consisting of DNA, protein (mainly histone), and small amounts of RNA.




EMGBFT, EMGP, EMI, emic, emiction, emictoria, emictory, emigrant, emigrate, emigration, emigrator, emigratory, emigre, Emil, Emile, Emile Durkheim, Emilia, Emilio, Emily, Emily Dickinson, emimycin, Eminem, eminence, eminency, eminent, eminent domain, eminently, emiocytosis, emir, emirate, Emirates, EMIS, EMISM, Emison, emissarium, emissary, emissary vein, emission, emission control, emission spectrum, emissive, emissivity, emit, emitron, EMITT, emittance, emitted, emitter, emitter-coupled, emitters, emitting, EML, emltability, emluator, EMM, Emma, emmagee, Emmanuel, emmarble, emmarvel, EMME, Emmeline, Emmen, emmenagogue, emmenia, emmeniopathy, emmenology, Emmental, emmer, emmesh, emmet, emmetrope, emmetropia, emmetropic, EMMI, emmonite, emmonsite, Emmy, Emmys, EMO, emodin, emoji, emol, emollescence, emolliate, emollience, emollient, emolsifier, emolument, emoluments, emophytic, emote, emoticon, Emoticons, emotiometabolic, emotiomotor, emotion, emotional, emotional state, emotional value, emotionalism, emotionalist, emotionality, emotionalize, emotionally, emotionless, emotions, emotiovascular, emotive, emotively, emotivity, EMP, empaistic, empale, empanada, empanel, empaquetage, emparadise, empathema, empathetic, empathic, empathically, empathize, empathy, empennage, emperor, emperor penguin, emperorship, empery, emphases, emphasis, emphasise, emphasize, emphasizer, emphatic, emphatically, empholite, emphractic, emphraxis, emphsema, emphysatherapy, emphysema, emphysematous gangrene, emphyteusis, emphyteuta, Empididae, Empidinae, Empidoidea, empids, empire, Empire State, Empire State of the South, empire-building, empires, empiric, empiric(al), empirical, empirical formula, empirical research, empirically, empiricism, empiricist, empiriocriticism, empiriomonism, empirism, empirismus, empiristic, emplace, emplacement, emplane, emplaster, emplastic, emplastrum, emplectite, emplectum, empleomania, emploment, employ, employability, employable, employe, employed, employee, employee stock ownership plan, employee turnover, employer, employless, employment, employment agency, employment contract, employment office, employment-at-will, empocket, empodium, empoison, empolder, emporia, emporiatrics, emporium, empoverish, empower, empresmomania, empress, empressement, empressite, empretron, emprise, emprize, emprosthotonos, emprosthozygosis, emprotid, empsyxis, emptied, emptier, emptily, emptiness, emptor, empty, empty-handed, empty-headed, emptying, emptysis, empurple, empurpled, Empusa, empyema, empyemata, empyesis, empyreal, empyrean, empyreuma, empyreumatic, empyrosis, EMR, EMS, EMSA, EMSC, Emsian, EMSS, EMT, emu, emulable, emulant, emulate, emulation, emulational, emulative, emulatively, emulator, emulatory, eMuleBT, emulgator, emulgent, emulous, emulously, emulphor, emulsator, emulsibility, emulsible, emulsicool, emulsifiability, emulsifiable, emulsification, emulsifier, emulsify, emulsifying, emulsin, emulsio, emulsion, emulsionize, emulsive, emulsoid, emulsor, emulsum, emulsus, emunctory, emusculate, EMV, EMXA, Emydidae, emydin, emylcamate, en, en-, en famille, en garde, en passant, en route, enable, enabled, enabler, enablers, enabling, enabling act, enabling clause, enabling legislation, enact, enacted, enaction, enactive, enactment, enactory, enalite, enallachrome, enallage, enamel, enameled, enameler, enamel-germ, enameling, enamelist, enamelize, enameller, enamelling, enamellist, enameloma, enameloplasty, enamels, enamelum, enamelware, enamine, enamor, enamored, enamour, enamoured, enanthaldehyde, enanthate, enanthema, enanthine, enanthol, enanthoyl, enantiomer, enantiomerism, enantiomorph, enantiomorphism, enantiomorphous, enantiopathy, enantioselectivity, enantiosemic, enantiosemy, enantiosis, enantiostylous, enantiostyly, enantiotopic, enantiotropes, enantiotropic, enantiotropy, ENAP, enarch, enarchist, enargite, enarthroses, enarthrosis, enate, enatic, enation, enblastoma, enbloc, en-block, ENC, ENCA, encaenia, encage, encaline, encallow, encamp, encampment, encanthis, encapsidate, encapsulant, encapsulate, encapsulating, encapsulation, encapsule, encapsulization, encarnalize, encarpa, encarpium, encarpus, Encarta, encase, encased, encasement, encash, encasing, encastage, encatarrhaphy, encaustic, encave, enceinte, Enceladus, encelialgia, encephal-, encephala, encephalalgia, encephalasthenia, encephalic, encephalitic, encephalitis, encephalitogen, encephalitogenic, encephalization, encephalo-, encephalocele, encephalogram, encephalograph, encephalography, encephaloid, encephalolith, encephaloma, encephalomalacia, encephalomyelitis, encephalomyocarditis, encephalon, encephalopathy, encephalosis, encephalous, enchain, enchant, enchanter, enchanting, enchantment, enchantress, encharge, enchase, encheiresis, enchilada, enchiridion, enchondral, enchondroma, enchondromatosis, enchondromatous, enchondrosis, enchorial, enchylema, enchyma, enchymatous, encina, encinal, encincture, encipher, enciphering, encipherment, encipheror, encircle, encirclement, enclasp, enclave, enclises, enclisis, enclitic, enclose, enclosed, encloser, enclosure, enclothe, encloud, encls, encode, encoded, encoder, encoders, encoding, ENCOE, encoffin, encoignure, encomiast, encomiastic, encomium, encompass, encoop, encopresis, encore, encounter, encounter group, encourage, encouraged, encouragement, encouraging, encouragingly, encrimson, encrinite, encroach, encroaching, encroachment, encrust, encrustant, encrustation, encrypt, encryption, enculturate, enculturation, enculturative, encumber, encumbrance, encumbrancer, encurtain, encyclic, encyclical, encyclopaedia, encyclopaedic, encyclopaedism, encyclopaedist, encyclopedia, encyclopedic, encyclopedical, encyclopedicdictionary, encyclopedism, encyclopedist, encyclopedize, encyesis, encyopyelitis, encyst, encystation, encysted, encystment, encytosis, end, end in, end organ, end plate, end point, end product, end to end, end up, end with, end-absorption, end-all, endamage, endangeitis, endanger, endangered, endangered species, endaortitis, endarch, end-around, endarterectomy, endarteritis, endarterium, end-artery, endash, end-blown, end-body, endbrain, end-brush, ENDCAP, end-condition, end-consumer, end-contraction, end-correction, endear, endearing, endearment, endeavor, endeavour, end-effector, endeiolite, endellionite, endellite, endemia, endemic, endemic disease, endemic typhus, endemical, endemically, endemicity, endemism, endemy, endenite, end-equipment, Enderby Land, endergonic, endermic, Enders, endexine, end-fatigue, end-fed, end-feet, end-flake, end-frame, endgame, endgate, endhand, endian, Endicott, ending, endiometer, endistance, endite, endive, endives, end-journal, endlap, endleaf, endless, endlessly, endless-ringlock, endlong, end-loss, endmarker, endmost, endnote, endnotes, end-nucleus, endo-, endoadaptation, endoangiitis, endoarteritis, endoascospore, endoascus, endobasidium, endobatholithic, endobiont, endobiosis, endobiotic, endoblast, endoblastic, endocamphene, endocardiac, endocardial, endocardiectomy, endocarditis, endocardium, endocarp, endocaryogamy, endocast, endocellular, endocentric, endocervix, endochnia, endochnion, endochondral, endo-chordo-mesoblast, endochyme, endocoele, endocommensal, endocomplement, endoconch, endocone, endo-configuration, endoconid, endoconidium, endoconulid, endocorpus, endocranial, endocranium, endocrine, endocrine gland, endocrine system, endocrinology, endocrinopathic, endocrinopathy, endocrinosis, endocrinotherapy, endocritic, endocuticle, endocyanosis, endocyclic, endocyst, endocytic, endocytose, endocytosis, endoderm, endodermis, endodiathermy, endodontia, endodontic, endodontics, endodontist, endodontology, endoduplication, endodyocyte, endodyogeny, endoenzyme, endo-erepsin, endoergic, endoergicity, endoerythrocytic, endo-exocrine, endofauna, end-of-block, end-of-dayglass, end-of-encode, end-of-file, end-of-line, endoflora, end-of-medium, end-of-message, endo-form, end-of-tape, endogamic, endogamous, endogamy, endogastric, endogen, endogenesis, endogenetic, endogenic, endogenote, endogenous, endogeny, endoglobular, endo-intoxication, endolaser, endolithic, endolithion, endolobopodium, endolymph, endolymphatichydrops, endolysin, endolysis, endomeninx, endometamorphism, endometria, endometrial, endometrial cancer, endometrial carcinoma, endometriosis, endometritis, endometrium, endomitosis, endomixis, endomomental, endomorph, endomorphic, endomorphism, endomycin, endomycopsis, endomycorrhiza, endomyocarditis, endomysium, end-on, end-on-courses, endonephritis, endoneuritis, endoneurium, endonexine, endonuclear, endonuclease, endonucleolytic, endoparasite, endoparasitism, endopelos, endopeptidase, endoperoxide, endophagous, endophasia, endophilic, endophlebitis, endophloem, endophloic, endophotocoagulation, endophragmalis, endophthalmitis, endophthalmos, endophyllous, endophyte, endophytes, endopinacocyte, endoplasm, endoplast, endopleura, endoploidy, endopod, endopodite, endopolygeny, endopolyploid, endopolyploidy, endoporus, endoproct, endoprosthesis, endopsammon, endopsychic, ENDOR, endoradiosonde, endoradiosonds, endoreduplication, endorphin, ENDORS, endorsable, endorse, endorsed, endorsee, endorsement, endorsement in blank, endorser, endorsor, endosarc, endoscope, endoscopic, endoscopy, endoseptum, endosexine, endosiphoblade, endosiphocone, endosiphon, endosiphuncle, endosite, endosity, endoskeletal, endoskeleton, endosmometer, endosmose, endosmosis, endosmosis-mose, endosmotic, endosoma, endosome, endosperm, endospermous, endosphere, endospore, endosporium, endosporous, endosporulation, endosprit, endostea, endosteal, endosternite, endosteum, endostomium, endostosis, endostracum, endostyle, endosulfan, endosymbiont, endosymbiosis, endotesta, endotheca, endothecium, endothelial, endothelin, endothelioid, endothelioma, endothelio-rhabdomyoma, endothelium, endotherm, endothermal, endothermic, endothermic reaction, endothermy, endothrix, endotoky, endotoxemia, endotoxin, endotrachea, endotracheal, endotracheal tube, endotracheitis, endotrophic, endotunica, endourology, endovibrator, endow, endowed, endowmenfpolicy, endowment, endowment fund, endowment insurance, endozoic, endpaper, end-piece, endplate, endplay, end-play, end-pleasure, endpoint, end-point, end-post, end-process, end-product, end-pumping, end-racking, end-result, endrin, ends, endshield, endstone, end-stop, end-stopped, end-stopper, endsville, end-time, end-to-end, endue, endurable, endurably, enduracidin, endurance, endurant, endure, endured, endures, enduring, enduringly, enduro, End-User, endvertex, endville, endwall, end-wastage, endways, endwise, endy, endyma, Endymion, ENE, ENEA, eneastylos, enecation, enechema, enecia, enelectrolysis, enelone, enema, enemas, enemies, enemy, enepidermic, energesis, energetic, energetically, energetics, energic, energico, energicstage, energid, energise, energism, energize, energizer, energon, energumen, energy, energy content, energy level, energy state, energy-delivering, energy-hungry, energyintensive, energy-loss-time, energy-magnitude, energy-probe, energy-valley, enervate, enervated, enervation, enervious, enervis, eneurosis, eneyne, enface, enfant, enfant terrible, enfeeble, enfeeblement, enfeoff, enfeoffment, enfetter, enfever, Enfield, enfilade, enfin, enflame, enfleurage, enflower, enflurane, enfold, enforce, enforceable, enforced, enforcement, enforcer, enframe, enfranchise, enfranchisement, ENG, Engadine, engadinite, engage, engagé, engage in, engaged, engagement, engagement ring, engaging, engaging-in, engagingly, engaging-out, engarb, engarcon, engarland, engastrius, Engel, engelhardite, Engelmann spruce, Engels, engender, engild, engine, engine block, engine driver, engine room, engine-building, engined, engine-drive, engine-driven, engine-driver, engineer, engineer-in-chief, engineering, engineership, engineman, engineroom, enginery, engine-scope, engird, engirdle, englacial, England, Englander, English, English Channel, English Cocker Spaniel, English horn, English ivy, English language, English muffin, English Revolution, English setter, English springer spaniel, English system, English teacher, English toy spaniel, English walnut, English yew, English-Chinese, Englisher, Englishism, Englishize, Englishman, Englishmen, Englishment, Englishness, Englishry, English-speaking, Englishwoman, englobe, englobement, englut, engobe, engorge, engorged, engorgement, engraft, engrail, engrailed, engrain, engrained, engram, engramme, engrammic, engraphia, engraphy, engrave, engraved, engraver, engraving, engross, engrossed, engrossing, engrossment, engulf, enhalo, enhance, enhanced, enhancement, enhancer, enhancive, enhancosome, enhanser, enhanson, enharmonic, enhearten, enhemospore, enhydrite, enhydrofungin, enhydrous, ENI, ENIAC, Enid, Enide, enigma, enigmas, enigmatic, enigmatical, enigmatite, enigmatize, enimization, eniotypy, Enisei, enisle, enissophobia, Eniwetok, enjail, enjambement, enjambment, enjoin, enjoinder, enjoy, enjoy oneself, enjoyable, enjoyably, EnjoyIE, enjoyment, enkephalin, enkindle, ENL, enlace, enlacement, enlarge, enlarged, enlargement, enlarger, enlarging, enlighten, enlightened, enlightening, enlightenment, enlink, enlist, enlisted, enlisted man, enlistee, enlister, enlistment, enliven, enlogy, enmesh, enmeshed, enmity, ennation, ennaton, enndecane, ennead, enneagon, enneagynian, enneahedral, enneahedron, enneandrous, enneapetalous, enneaploidy, enneasepalous, enneastyle, enneastylos, enneasyllabic, enneasyllable, enneode, enneri, enniatin, ennilnilium, Ennis, Enniskillen, ennoble, ennomoclone, ennoyage, ennui, ennuple, ennuye, ennuyee,


3G, 401(K), a,



A mutation is a change in the genetic material of a virus.


CNN 10 暑期特辑

We have genetic material, DNA, in all of our cells.



And his only job is to provide genetic material for the offspring.



It is different from those that look for the genetic material of the virus.



The permafrost turned out to be loaded with genetic material.


VOA Special 2015年1月合集

They study the genetic material released by living creatures.


双语版 TED-Ed 演讲精选

They might have managed this by taking in foreign genetic material.


VOA Special 2018年11月合集

It then compares it to genetic material provided by relatives of the missing individuals.



They form caps at the ends of the chromosomes and keep the genetic material together.


VOA Special 2016年6月合集

This change in the structure of genetic material could explain the reduction in colon cancer.


CNN 10 暑期特辑

Viruses mutate as well especially those with genetic material made of RNA.


双语版 TED-Ed 演讲精选

Traditional scientific techniques couldn't parse environmental samples containing mixed genetic material from multiple species.


VOA Special 2020年5月合集

They instead collect dead particles or parts of the virus's genetic material that are not infectious.



This combination of infections then means that the variant's genetic material mixes within the patient's body.


VOA Special 2015年6月合集

The researchers followed the lives of plankton, examined their genetic material and watched their movements.


Crash Course 疫情科学篇

Other times, they involve identifying parts of a pathogen, like genetic material.


VOA Special 2020年11月合集

The Oxford vaccine uses a harmless, weakened adenovirus to carry genetic material from the new coronavirus into the body.


VOA Special 2019年9月合集

The scientists made the announcement after they completed a study of genetic material from the Loch's cold waters.


当月 CNN 10 学生英语 2020年9月合集

This is the most common and reliable test which detects disease by looking for the viruses genetic material.



It's mainly trees and grasses that let their genetic material loose on the wind, and they don't mess around.




entreprenant, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial, entrepreneurship, entrepreneuse, entresol, entries, entripsis, entrohistosol, entromycin,


3G, 401(K), a,
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