A little bag like that used in finger pressing is applied, with fifteen aromatic plants including wheat, cinnamon, yellow ginger powder, monarda, lavender, lime peel and moss rose contained in it.
Sri Lanka added 700 gas stations under the state-owned Ceylon Petroleum Corporation for selected companies to operate and use other facilities on a commercial basis.
The Rangoon had a large quota of passengers, many of whom disembarked at Singapore, among them a number of Indians, Ceylonese, Chinamen, Malays, and Portuguese, mostly second–class travellers.
In catching wild elephants in Ceylon, the natives choose a place near to the forest, and make a fence round it, each post in the fence being the trunk of a tree.
And if you would like an easy package holiday, you could visit Minorca from 103 pounds, Ceylon from 343 pounds, Mombasa from 311 and sunny Florida from 243 pounds.
On his voyage to Ceylon, the Englishman Percival made much of a Kaffir who stayed under five minutes without coming up to the surface, but I find that hard to believe.
Her delicately formed ears, her vermilion hands, her little feet, curved and tender as the lotus–bud, glitter with the brilliancy of the loveliest pearls of Ceylon, the most dazzling diamonds of Golconda.