On Monday it emerged she'd turned down an earlier settlement offer of almost two million dollars.
切尔西球队和其前主教练何塞·穆里尼奥(Jose Mourinho)与前队医伊娃·卡尼路(Eva Carneiro)达成了和解协议。伊娃说上个赛季中,由于被降职并而受到穆里尼奥的不公平待遇而被迫辞职。本周一,有消息称伊娃曾拒绝了球队先前提出付给她的近两百万美元赔偿金。Let's take a look at these spectacular pictures。
Any other person in Bloomberg’s shoes would have griped at the idea of being demoted, especially after years of dedication to a particular position in the company.
And so when I was called in and put on the edge of being fired and certainly demoted and knew that firing was only a couple weeks away, I was, like, devastated.