According to modern medicine, this disease is caused by acute and chronic orchitis, testicular tuberculosis, funiculitis, pros-tatitis, tumor or trauma of t...
Arginine vasopressin(AVP) is a kind of introgenic nine peptide hormone,which was traditional applied in diabetes insipidus and rhexis bleeding caused by acute esophageal varix.
A comparison of their spermous qualities both before and after the ligations had been made in the 35 cases of such patients hospitalized and treated in our hospital in the last three years.
So venous blood accumulates downward from the obstruction, causing features like ascites, esophageal varices and bleeding, Caput Medusae, diminished liver function and an enlarged spleen.
Prevention of complications can be done with beta-blockers and treatment options include diuretics for ascites, and octreotide, balloon tamponade, sclerotherapy, and a variceal ligation for bleeding esophageal varices.