She blew a kiss to the onlookers.
But as he walked into the tunnel, there was no wink and was no kiss blown my way.
" I blew her a kiss. All the girls cry when I kiss them" .
" 献上飞吻呢。我吻上哪个女孩儿,她就准得哭,百发百中。"
Or, when you love someone, you may blow them a kiss.
或者,当你喜欢一个人的时候,你也许可以送一个飞吻(blow them a kiss)给对方。
This woman did not look like she would have welcomed an air kiss.
He blew me a kiss and was gone.
And there they are, blowing kisses at a brick wall.
Annie made her entrance on horseback, blowing kisses and smiling.
安妮骑马入场, 飞吻微笑。
(blows kisses) Then I highly recommend this (mumbles).
Why don't you blow him a kiss?
Couldn't he just blow it a kiss?
She skipped into the arena gaily, blowing kisses to the audience.
她兴高采烈地跳进舞台, 向观众飞吻。
Hou Yi followed Peng Meng out, blowing a kiss to Chang'e as he left.
后羿跟着蓬蒙出去, 临走时向嫦娥飞吻。
She leant out of the window and blew him a kiss.
In the old days you wouldn't have dreamt of a 'hiya' or, worse, an air kiss.
在过去,你做梦都不会想到“hiya” ,或者更糟的是,飞吻。
He throws his motorbike jacket over his arm, and blows her a kiss as he leaves.
I don't stop to blow kisses to Miss Evelyn or wave to Mr. John in the bakery.
The Dragon put his vast, cracked old paw to his reptilian lips and blew the Vikings a kiss.
More than 750 messages have included everything from the blowing of kisses to a request by a child for someone to become her godmother.
" The downside for you is that's the first and last time I show you my lady-bits over WiFi." Sam leaned forward and blew me a kiss.
“对你来说不利的是, 这是我第一次也是最后一次通过 WiFi 向你展示我的女士们。 ” Sam 倾身给我飞吻。
Maybe you get to set foot on that path where one day you're patting the dome of your brain bot or blowing them kisses or whatever it is… rubbing their domes.
也许你会踏上那条路,有一天你会拍拍你的大脑机器人的圆顶,或者给他们飞吻或者其他什么… … 摩擦他们的圆顶。