The sympathetic system, in times of high stress, does things like speed up your heart rate and direct blood away from the digestive organs and to the muscles.
On such occasions as this a thousand ideas pass through a highly charged woman's head; and they indicate themselves on her face; but the changes, though actual, are minute.
Mr. Burrell described moments of high tension with his Russian counterparts, Sergey Lavrov, when calling for the immediate release of the jailed opposition figure Alexa Navalny.
Mainland Koreans are also finding peace on Jeju Island. Many Koreans work long hours in a high-tension, competitive environment. Those living in cities look to Jeju for an escape.
While I personally think most personality types are a spectrum more than a concrete label, type A people tend to be defined by their work performance, productivity, competitiveness, and more high-strung nature.
虽然我个人认为大多数性格类型是一个范围而不是一个具体标签,但 A 型人往往是由他们工作表现、生产力、竞争力和更高度张天性来定义。
The third day of waiting found her in a highly nervous condition. She had bitten the insides of her mouth until they were raw and smarting, and burnt unbearably when she washed them with listerine.
The shock of this new incident was so sudden and profound, and Harry was already worked into so high a state of nervous tension, that he could think of nothing better than to accelerate his pace, and continue running.