He was diagnosed with ALS in 2021.
2021 年,断出患有渐冻人症。
ALS affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord.
And the ALS ice bucket challenge has now reached presidential levels.
ALS causes the death of neurons controlling voluntary muscles in the body.
Precisely what makes the motor neurons degenerate is the prevailing mystery of ALS.
She finds it harder to breathe one day to the next due to ALS.
由於患有漸凍人症(ALS), 她發一天比一天難以呼吸。
Named after my friend Gael, who passed from ALS in 2016, we call it Galea.
以我在 2016 年因渐冻症去世的朋友盖尔命名,我们为其起名“盖利亚”。
When he was 23, he was diagnosed with ALS, a real disease of the nerves.
She helped care for a brother who had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in his 50s.
Despite the many unknowns, we do have some insight into how ALS impacts the neuromuscular system.
Earlier this week, the ALS Association announced that money raised by the Ice Bucket Challenge financed a discovery.
It's about as rare as ALS; there are around 7,000 new cases each year in the United States.
She passed away over a decade ago from ALS, six months before I ever released my first YouTube video.
十多年前,在我发布第一支油管视频的 6 个月前,她因为肌萎缩侧索硬化去世了。
Hawking's case was also a medical marvel because of how long he lived with ALS.
He was the best-known theoretical physicist of his time despite being afflicted with ALS which left him debilitated for decades.
I need a defib ventilator, ALS, and resuscitation team.
- 我需要除颤呼吸机、ALS 和复苏团队。
ALS affects about two out of every 100,000 people worldwide.
ALS 影响全球每 100,000 人中约有两人。
The enzyme replacement protocol is working, reversing the ALS.
关于 置换部分的记录起了作用, 排除了A.L.S.的可能。
Well, it's not great, but it's better than ALS.
也够棘手的, 不过比A.L.S.强点儿 至少还能治好.
Between five and ten percent of ALS cases seem to have genetic origins, for example.
例如,5% 到 10% 的 ALS 病例似乎有遗传起源。