Re-sults The sedimentation rate and viscosity of CMC-Na were the best,the redispersibility of AlCl3was the best.
结果 羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC-Na)的沉降容积比和黏度最好,三氯化铝重新力最好。
The acclaimed visionary war film will be released by CMC Pictures with English subtitles in over 90 selected theaters in Boston, Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Vancouver, Toronto and a few other major cities across the United States and Canada.
这部备受赞誉梦幻战争片将由 CMC Pictures 在波士顿、亚特兰大、芝加哥、丹佛、休斯敦、温哥华、多伦多以及美
90 多
选定影院发行, 并配有英文字幕。