| 划词

1.Bone lesion was well demonstrated stereoscopically by SSD, and could be viewed from any desired plane by MPR.



2.The images from MPR and 3D imaging and CTVE were compared with 30 cases of urologic diseases from IVU and fiberendoscope,respectively.




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3G, 401(K), a,



1.Today's show, a special co-production with MPR News.

今天的节目是与 MPR News 特别作的。机翻

Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

2.The MPR rate was encouraging at 83%, and the pCR rate was 63%.

MPR 率为 83%,令人鼓舞,pCR 率为 63%。机翻

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Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

3.Phase lI studies have shown that neoadjuvant immunotherapy, with or without chemotherapy, induces high MPR rates.

II 期研究明,新辅助免疫疗法,无论是否化疗,均可诱导较高的 MPR 率。机翻

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Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

4.Baseline PD-L1 expression was shown to correlate with response and MPR in one study.

一项研究显示,基线 PD-L1 达与反应和 MPR 相关。机翻

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Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

5.MPR, the assessment of toxicities and the percentage of patients not getting to surgery, have become the main foci of Phase II studies evaluating neoadjuvant immunotherapy (Table 5.4).

MPR即毒性评估和未接受手术的患者百分比,已成为评估新辅助免疫治疗的 II 期研究的焦点( 5.4)。机翻

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Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

6.Major pathological response (MPR) is defined as 10% residual viable tumor in a resected specimen after neoadjuvant treatment, and has been shown to correlate with OS in patients who received chemotherapy.

理缓解 (MPR) 定义为新辅助治疗后切除标本中残留有 10% 的存活肿瘤,并已被证明与接受化疗的患者的 OS 相关。机翻

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Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

7.While MPR was not reported, 60% of patients showed radiographic response after neoadjuvant durvalumab and chemotherapy, and 73% of patients remained event-free at 1 year, 27 much higher than historical figures with surgery and chemotherapy alone.

虽然没有报道 MPR,但 60% 的患者在新辅助 durvalumab 和化疗后现出放射学缓解,73% 的患者在 1 年后保持无事件,27 远高于仅手术和化疗的历史数据。机翻

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