To solve cash income problem, collier OJ is obliged to carry barter transaction, raise debt, accept admeasure and allowance to live with hardship.
Still, many observers believed OJ would be convicted.
The town is festooned with banners, pennants and plenty of OJ.
" DNA evidence" became a household term with the OJ Simpson trial, and it was not his friend.
Are you guys are are you OJ drinkers?
OJ soon became an excellent American football player.
The year was 1973, and OJ was just 26.
那是 1973 年, OJ 才 26 岁。
We have OJ, skim milk... What else?
有橙汁 脱脂牛奶... 还有啥来着?
And you've probably heard all sorts of tips and tricks to keep from getting sick: drink some OJ for the vitamin C.
I guess I'm just an OJ drinker.
No, no, no, no, a carton of OJ.
OJ soon became embedded in a predominantly white, upper class, society.
OJ 很快融入了一个以白人为主社会。
OJ said he never thought about color, race, and just did what he did.
OJ 说他从来没有考虑过肤色、种族, 只是做了他所做。
Other players would breach 2,000 yards in the future, but only OJ did it in a 14-game season.
其他球员在未来会突破 2000 码,但只有 OJ 在 14 场比赛赛季中做到了。
At the same time OJ was acting in Hollywood blockbusters.
OJ waits in his car, his gun is said to be close to his chin.
OJ在他车里等着, 据说他枪离下巴很近。
And so, to lure him out of the car he appealed to OJ’s ego, his greatness.
因此,为了引诱他下车, 他诉诸于 OJ 自我, 他伟大。
The evidence against OJ would appear to be damning, including blood in the Bronco and on a glove that matched one found near Goldman's body.
OJ would soon say, and his words echoed throughout black communities all over the USA.
OJ 很快就会说, 他话在美国各地黑人社区中回荡。
It did look cut and dried, but to OJ’s fans something was rotten in the state of California.
它看起来确实干涸了, 但对 OJ 粉丝来说, 加利福尼亚州有些东西已经腐烂了。
The negotiator years later will say that while in OJ’s house he noticed only pictures, paintings, photos, of the star.
多年后谈判者会说, 在 OJ 家里, 他只注意到这位明星照片、绘画和照片。