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1.Carbon distribution and content of normal alkane and isoalkane in rubber waxes are measured by using high temperature gas chromatography.



2.It has been demonstrated that the methods are successfully used for QSRR studies of quinazoline derivatives, alkypyridine, haloid alkane, ketone, alcohol, sulfur alcohol compounds.




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1.It's a polymerized alkene, but the molecule itself is an alkane.

聚合烯烃, 但分子本身烷烃机翻

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化学 Crash Course

2.Alkanes are just more of the same, add another carbon to lengthen the chain.


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3.The fully saturated hydrocarbons I just described are usually called by the much simpler name, alkanes.

我刚刚描述的完全饱和的碳氢化合物通常用更简单的名称命名, 即烷烃。机翻

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4.They can be alkanes or alkenes, sometimes, even rarely, alkynes.


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5.The final reaction type is dehydrogenation, and it, somewhat obviously, is the removal of hydrogen atoms from alkanes.

最后的反应类氢, 从种程说,它从烷烃中去除氢原子。机翻

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6.Sometimes the oils are fully hydrogenated, creating saturated alkanes.


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7.Things get more interesting, though, with the next alkane, butane, C4H10, because there are two different forms of it.

不过,对于下一个烷烃丁烷 C4H10, 事情变得更加有趣,因为它有两种不同的形式。机翻

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8.The simplest of the alkanes is one you've heard of before, methane, or CH4, the main compound in natural gas.

最简单的烷烃您以前听说过的甲烷或 CH4, 它天然气中的主要化合物。机翻

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9.Alkenes can be made into alkanes and alkynes can become either alkenes or alkanes depending on how many atoms are added.


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10.The next simplest alkane contains 2 carbons side by side, each one of them in bonded to 3 hydrogen atoms.

下一个最简单的烷烃包含 2 个并排的碳原子, 每个碳原子都与 3 个氢原子键合。机翻

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11.First, alkanes are always named based on the longest possible continuous chain in their structure.


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化学 Crash Course

12.There's only one letter changing here: A in alkanes changes to E for alkenes and then to Y for alkynes.

这里只有一个字母发生变化:烷烃中的 A 变为烯烃中的 E,然后变为炔烃中的 Y。机翻

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13.I'm not gonna go through them all. There are a few naming rules that are specific to alkanes.

我不会一一列举。 有一些特定于烷烃的命名规则。机翻

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14.The first is the kind that made alkane the most common fuel for combustion or burning.


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15.But there are 3 types of alkane reactions that are important enough for us to cover right now right here.

有 3 种类烷烃反应非常重要, 我们现在就在这里进行介绍。机翻

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16.Combustion is the type of reaction that powers your car and your propane grill, even candles among many other alkane fuels.


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17.Now suppose you have more than one of the same size group attached to the same chain, like two methyl groups on the same alkane.


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18.So three words representing three different groups of organic compounds: alkanes for all single bonds, alkenes if they contain double bonds, and alkynes if they contain one or more triple bonds.


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19.If you paid attention, you learned that hydrocarbons with double bonds are called alkenes and those with triple bonds are called alkynes and that the naming rules are the same as for alkanes.

如果你注意的话,你会发现带有双键的碳氢化合物称为烯烃, 带有三键的碳氢化合物称为炔烃, 并且命名规则与烷烃相同。机翻

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20.So alkanes with 5 to 18 chains of carbon atoms like octane and gasoline are liquids at room temperature and those with more than 18 carbon atoms like paraffin or other waxes are solids.

因此,具有 5 到 18 个碳原子链的烷烃(如辛烷和汽油)在室温下液体,而那些具有超过 18 个碳原子的烷烃(如石蜡或其他蜡)固体。机翻

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