2.Objective:To bring up disorder of motion in vital energy and stasis of Porus Sudoriferus are one of the important pathological mechanism of Acute apoplexy.
10.One, —John Swinnerton by name, —who appears to have been a man of eminence, upheld it, if we have rightly understood his terms of art, to be a case of apoplexy.
11.The Salamander exposed it to impress on them all, that she did not deserve the wrong inflicted by her lover; after that the outraged celestial struck down the unfaithful lover with apoplexy.
12.] Now, my feigned cough, my phthisic, and my gout, My apoplexy, palsy, and catarhs, Help, with your forced functions, this my posture, Wherein, this three year, I have milked their hopes.
The Common Reader Volume 1 26 Essays on Jane Austen, George Eliot, Conrad, Montaigne and Others
13.A divine justice is meted out; Dr. Grant, who begins by liking his goose tender, ends by bringing on " apoplexy and death, by three great institutionary dinners in one week" .