Marry in haste, and repent at leisure.
结婚, 及。
Stroll through the resort's gardens or visit the Art Science Museum at leisure.
Rather than having its users pore at leisure over stored data, aliens are hunted on the fly.
Unlike a real battlefield, though, a virtual one can be frozen, and events occurring there discussed at leisure.
But I like plenty of leisure at the station.
She was not long at leisure, however, for such considerations.
Here he studied at leisure what he had come to see.
Having considered me at leisure, he said— " What made you ill yesterday" ?
悠闲地打量了我一番,他说:“昨天是什么让你生病了” ?
Mr. Beebe, at leisure for life's amenities, leant over his Rectory gate.
毕比先生正从他的教区长大门前探出身子, 享受生活的乐趣。
Time never lapses, nor does it glide at leisure through our sense perceptions.
时间永远不会流逝, 不会在我们的感官知觉中悠闲地流逝。
Mr. Wickham did not play at whist, and when the card-tables were placed, was therefore at leisure to talk to Elizabeth.
I have been very negligent—but are you now at leisure to satisfy me in these particulars?
But this was not until some episodes with baby were over, and had left her mind at leisure.
但这直到与婴儿的一些情节结束, 让她的思绪闲下来。
'If any young men come for Mary or Kitty, send them in, for I am quite at leisure'.
" 如果还有什么年轻人来向曼丽和吉蒂求婚,带他们进来好了,我正闲着呢。"
" I have not" ! " How nice. May I look over your books some Sunday evening when you are at leisure" ?
你以走了,随你的便吧。" " 我的宝贝儿,鬼我见过了,他是个非常无聊的家伙。
" Right, Sir. I have a little account to settle with you. If you are at leisure we will begin" .
That done, he might return to pursue his researches at leisure, a wealthy and luxurious student, envied and respected by all.
完成后,他能会回到闲暇时继续他的研究, 成为一个富裕而奢侈的学生, 受到所有人的羡慕和尊重。
This is why the mathematical arts were founded in Egypt; for there the priestly caste was allowed to be at leisure.
The idea is that you wear one type of spectacles in the workplace and quite other at leisure or on the beach.
Curious pursuits of the mind at leisure are represented in publications numberless; trifles and oddities of intellectual savour; gatherings from every byway of human interest.
无数的出版物代表了闲暇时对思想的好奇追求; 知识趣味的琐事和怪事; 从人类兴趣的每条小路聚集。
And a symbol of that is to decide not to wear shoes because you're having fun, you're at leisure, and Australia is a leisure culture.
一个象征就是决定不穿鞋, 因为你很开心,你很闲,澳大利亚是一种休闲文化。