His teeth were half bared. His rigid body, clenched fists, and head drawn between his shoulders, all attested to a fierce hate breathing from every pore.
Moreover, we feel some quality of necessity about the proposition 'two and two are four', which is absent from even the best attested empirical generalizations.
Nevertheless, the horse had great ritual and economic significance during the Bronze and Iron Ages, as attested by its depictions on jewellery and other metal objects.
Vampirism was a recognised condition attested by large numbers of witnesses and had characteristic signs and symptoms, such as corpses having fresh blood running through their veins.
In such ways Brooklyn attested the advantages of its propinquity to New York, while remaining, as regards Ronald's duty to his father, as remote and inaccessible as Wingfield.
And the ancient Egyptians astronomical knowledge can be attested by the alignment of the Pyramids of Giza, as well as temples and obelisks and their ability to predict the annual flooding of the Nile.