1.Quiet redirection subsequently issues from the bassoons, which take up the wandering piano-theme, while the piano itself goes over into a pp semiquaver accompaniment.
9.The lions and the elephants, The bears and the raccoons Will steal away the trumpets, the flutes, and bassoons, Replace the musicians, and chase them away.
10.And in particular, we're looking for a symphony that has a lot more tubas and a lot more bassoons and a lot more low frequency instruments than high frequency instruments.
11.But presently the sound of the bassoon and the key-bugles burst forth; the evening hymn, which always opened the service, had begun, and every one must now enter and take his place.
12.We got rid of all gloom in the excitement of the exercise, and our pleasure was increased by the arrival of the Gimmerton band, mustering fifteen strong: a trumpet, a trombone, clarionets, bassoon French horns, and a bass viol, besides singers.