He dashed in breathlessly.
The boys listened breathlessly as the sailor detailed the story of the shipwreck.
" So do I! " said Hermione breathlessly.
“Did you get them? ” Hermione asked breathlessly.
" What do you mean? " asked Hermione breathlessly.
" Please—er—sir—" said Parvati breathlessly, raising her hand, " —why not? "
" And you just walked up to him? " said Hermione breathlessly.
“You know how many subjects I'm taking, ” said Hermione breathlessly.
The weather was breathlessly hot, there was thunder in the air.
" Thank you. Harry Potter, thank you, " said Dobby breathlessly, rubbing his head.
" Where does this tunnel come out? " Hermione asked breathlessly from behind him.
“这条地道出口在哪里呀? ”赫敏在哈利身后气都喘过来地问。
" I got it, " Peter said breathlessly. " I did it. I did it."
" It was Ron, all Ron's idea! " said Hermione breathlessly.
" We woke up and didn't know where you were! " she said breathlessly.
'Hello! ' I interrupted breathlessly. 'Look here—this isn't Mr. Gatsby. Mr. Gatsby's dead.'
'Miss Cathy, 'I said breathlessly, 'we must go home. Your father will be getting worried.
" No, " said Umbridge breathlessly, glancing up at the towering figure of Kingsley.
" What does it say? " Hermione asked breathlessly.
There I was at Lily's dance recital, breathlessly anticipating my baby's first-ever ballet solo.
" I heard you last night, " said Dudley breathlessly, " Talking in your sleep. Moaning."
" It was Ron, all Ron's idea! " said Hermione breathlessly. " Wasn't it absolutely brilliant? "
是罗恩,全是罗恩的主!" 赫敏喘着气说," 这难道是天才的想法吗?
Seven days, eight days, nine days, they were halfway across, and excitement had begun to run breathlessly high.