Fire and brimstone, it's hailing! Conseil said. And poisoned hail perhaps!
真怪! 下雹子了! 康塞尔说,可能是有毒的雹子呢!
Sulphur is the proper name of the yellow powder called brimstone.
The cabbage butterfly is white; but the " brimstone butterfly, " which we see in early spring, is yellow.
The book isn't all fire and brimstone.
Stabbed in the back brimstone fire jumping throu...
Yes, after I cleaned the carpets of brimstone.
对 我把那张地狱味道的地毯清走就搬进去。
This time, it would be all hellfire and brimstone with no survivors left.
这一次, 将是地狱之和硫磺,没有幸存者。
And that was going to bring hellfire and brimstone to the stock market.
Letters breathing fire and brimstone poured into his office — letters threatening his life.
If anybody says he isn't, call them brimstone liars, for my sake.
如果有人说他不是, 看在我的份上, 称他们为硫磺骗子。
Purse web spiders, green woodpeckers, brimstone butterflies and kestrels have all found peace in the oddity that is London's 790-acre moorland.
The idea is, I suppose, that God would punish us by sending down fire and brimstone onto the earth to punish us.
这个想法是, 我想,上帝会通过将和硫磺降到地球上来惩罚我们来惩罚我们。
He was very much using the idea of a comic funny booklet to hook you into his fire and brimstone, eternal damnation message.
The word " brimstone" is an old word for " sulfur" (sulfur), which is a yellow chemical that has a very strong, unpleasant smell.
“brimstone” 这个词是“硫磺” (sulfur)的旧词,它是一种黄色化物质, 具有非常强烈、难闻的气味。
As soon as She had said this, the Ground opened, the Spectre sank down, I heard a clap of thunder, and the room was filled with a smell of brimstone.
Now all he had anticipated was come to pass: the Vicar felt the satisfaction of the prophet who saw fire and brimstone consume the city which would not mend its way to his warning.
现在,他所预料的一切都应验了:牧师看到先知看到和硫磺吞噬了这座城市, 而这座城市不会按照他的警告改过自新, 这使他感到满足。