| 划词

They usually require close management during calving.



The glacier calved a large iceberg.




expallent, expalpate, expand, expandability, expandable, expanded, expanded-connecting, expandedness, expander, expandibility, expanding, expandor, Expandra, expanse, expansibility, expansible, expansile, expansimeter, expansin, expansion, expansion bolt, expansion program, expansion slot, expansionary, expansionism, expansionist, expansive, expansive bit, expansively, expansiveness, expansivity, expansus, exparte, expat, ex-pat., expatiate, expatiation, expatiatory, expatriate, expatriation, expats, expect, expectability, expectable, expectably, expectance, expectancy, expectant, expectantly, expectation, expectation of life, expectations of customers, expectative, expected, expected value, expecting, expectorant, expectorate, expectoration, expedance, expediate, expedience, expediency, expedient, expediential, expediently, expedite, expediter, expedition, expeditionary, expeditioner, expeditionist, expeditious, expeditiously, expeditiousness, expeditous, expel, expellable, expellant, expelled, expellee, expellent, expeller, expend, expendable, expendables, expended, expenditure, expense, expense account, expenses, expensive, expensively, experience, experienced, experienceless, experiential, experientialism, experientialist, experiment, experimental, experimental condition, experimental method, experimental procedure, experimental psychology, experimentalism, experimentalist, experimentalize, experimentally, experimentalprocedure, experimentation, experimentative, experimenter, experimention, experimentize, expert, expert witness, expert(ise), expertise, expertize, expertizer, expertly, expertocracy, experts, exphallation, expiable, expiate, expiation, expiator, expiatory, expier, expiration, expirationnotice, expirator, expiratory, expire, expired, expiree, expires, expiringly, expirograph, expiry, expiscate, explain, explainable, explains, explanandum, explanans, explanate, explanation, explanative, explanatorily, explanatory, explant, explantation, explants, explement, explementary, expletive, expletory, explicable, explicandum, explicans, explicate, explication, explicative, explicatory, explicit, explicitly, explode, exploded, explodent, exploder, exploding-reflector, exploit, exploitability, exploitable, exploitage, exploitation, exploitative, exploitee, exploiter, exploiting, exploitive, exploits, exploiture, exploration, exploration-classification, explorative, explorator, exploratory, exploratory trip, explore, explored, explorer, exploring, exploringly, explosibility, explosible, explosimeter, explosion, explosion-proof, explosive, explosive mixture, explosively, explosiveness, ex-plosives, explosivity, expo, expolate, expometer, exponence, exponent, exponential, exponential curve, exponential decay, exponential equation, exponential function, exponentialsmoothing, exponentiate, exponentiation, exponent-marker, exponible, exponometer, Exporsan, export, export credit, export duty, exportable, exportation, exporter, Export-Financiering-Maatschappij, export-led, export-oriented, exports, exposal, expose, exposé, exposed, exposedness, exposer, exposing, exposit, exposition, expositive, expositor, expositorial, expositorily, expository, expostulate, expostulatingly, expostulation, expostulator, expostulatory, exposure, exposure meter, expound, expounder, ex-president, express, express trust, express way, expressage, express-analysis, expresser, expressible, expression, expressional, expressionism, expressionist, expressionistic, expressionless, expressions, expressive, expressive aphasia, expressively, expressiveness, expressivetherapy, expressivity, expressly, expressman, expresso, expressor, expressway, expromission, expromissor, expropriate, expropriation, expropriator, expugnable, expulse, expulsion, expulsive, expunction, expunctuation, expunge, expurgate, expurgation, expurgator, expurgatorial, expurgatory, exquay, exquisite, exquisitely, exradius, ex-rights, exsanguinate, exsanguinating, exsanguination, exsanguine, exsanguinotransfusion, exscapose, exscind, exsculptate, exscutellate, exsecant, exsect, exsection, exsector, exsert, exserted, exsertile, ex-service, ex-serviceman, ex-servicewoman, exserviee, exsheath, ex-ship, exsiccant, exsiccatae, exsiccate, exsiccation, exsiccative, exsiccator, exsiccosis, exsilentio, exsilient, exsoldier, exsolution, exsomatize, exsorption, exstipulate, ex-store, exstrophy, exsuccation, exsuccous, exsuction, exsufflate, exsufflation, exsufflator, exsulcus, exsule, ex-supernova, ext., extant, extar, extasis, extasy, extemporal, extemporaneous, extemporararily, extemporarily, extemporary, extempore, extemporisation, extemporise, extemporization, extemporize, extemportize, extencisor, extend, extend to, extendability, extendable, extended, extended family, extendedbackground, extended-play, extender, extenders, extendible, extendibles, extends, extensacuta, extense, extensibility, extensible, extensile, extensimeter, extensin, extensiometer, extension, extension cord, extension ladder, extensional, extensionality, extensionalization, extensionboard, extensionless, extension-type, extensity, extensive, extensively, extensograph, extensometer, extensor, extent, extents, extenuate, extenuating, extenuation, extenuative, extenuatory, exterior, exterior angle, exteriorise, exteriority, exteriorization, exteriorize, exteriorly, exterma, exterminate, extermination, exterminative, exterminator, exterminatory, extermine, extern, external, external ear, external storage, external-burning, externalia, externalise, externalism, externalities, externality, externalization, externalize, externally, externally-oriented, external-upset, externe, externship, externus, exteroceptive, exteroceptor, exterofection, exterritorial, exterritoriality, extesticulate, extima, extinct, extinction, extinction angle, extinctive, extinctivity, extine, extingiushment, extinguish, extinguishable, extinguishant, extinguisher, extinguishing, extinguishment, extirpate, extirpation, extirpator, extol, extoll, extorsion, extorsive, extorsively, extort, extortion, extortionary, extortionate, extortioner, extortionist, extortive, extortor, extra, extra-, extra dividend, extra time, extra-articular, extraartistic, extraatmospheric, extraaxillary, extrabold, extrabranchialis, extrabright, extra-bright, extrabuccal, extrabulbar, extracanonical, extracapsular, extracardiac, extracardial, extracellular, extracellular fluid, extracellularly, extracerebellar, extra-channel, extrachromosomal, extra-chromosome, extraclast, extracode, extracolumella, extracolumn, extracondensed, extraconstitutional, extracorporeal, extracorpuscular, extracranial, extract, extractable, extractant, extracted, extracter, extractible, extracting, extraction, extractionflask, extraction-step, extractive, extractivetitration, extractor, extractors, extractor-weigher, extractum glycyrrhizae, extracurial, extracurrent, extra-current, extracurricular, extra-curricular, extracurricular activity, extracurriculum, extracutaneous, extracystic, extraditable, extradite, extradition, extrado, extrados, extradossed, extradural, extraembryonic, extraembryoniccoelom, extraepicardial, extraessential, extra-expiratory, extra-fill, extrafine, extrafloral, extrafocal, extrafoliaceous, extragalactic, extragenetic, extragovernmental, extrahazardous, extrahead, extra-heavy, extrahepatic, extraintestinal, extrajection, extrajudicial, extralegal, extraligamentous, extralimital, extralin, extralinguistic, extraliterary, extrality, extralobular, extralunar, extramalleolus, Extraman, extramarginal, extramarital, extra-marital, extramatemal, extramatrical, extramembranous, extrameningeal, extramental, extramitochondrial, extramolecular, extramundane, extramural, extramusical, extraneous, extraneousroot, extranet, Extranets, extraneural, extranuclear, extra-nutrition, extraocular, extraoculogram, extraofficial, extraoral, extra-oral, extraordinaire, extraordinarily, extraordinary, extraovate, extrapacking, extra-pale, extraparental, extraparliamentary, extraparochial, extrapericardial, extraphysical, extraplacental, extrapleural, extra-point, extrapolability, extrapolate, extrapolation, extraporate, extraprostatic, extrapyramidal, extrarenal, extraretinal, extras, extrascientific, extraseminal, extrasensitivity, extrasensory, extrasensory perception, extrasin, extrasoft, extrasolar, extrasolarγ-ray, extrastaminal, extrastimulation, extrastimulus, extra-stress, extrasynaptic, extrasystole, extrasystolic, extratellurian, extraterrestialγ-ray, extraterrestrial, extraterritorial, extraterritoriality, extraterritorially, extrathecal, extrathermodynamics,


3G, 401(K), a,


当月 CNN 10 学生英语 2021年5月合集

But those species that don't mind another " pupping" back in could find themselves " calving" a great time.



He would follow a cow that was overdue to calve.


CNN 10 学生英语 2023年1月合集

This type of calving was one of the most major events we've seen in Antarctica in a long time.



0ut in the open, communal calving is the safest way to have young.


当月 CNN 10 学生英语 2021年3月合集

Scientists say it's due to a natural process called calving, when chunks of ice break away from glaciers or ice shelves.



It was, sown for green fodder now; that was for the calving cows.



It was here in 2018 that researchers captured this footage of large chunks of ice breaking away in a process called calving.



They travel from calving grounds off the coasts of Florida and Georgia to feeding grounds off New England and Canada every year.


SciShow 合集

It’s something scientists call calving, although different from when a cow has a baby cow.



We milk the cows and then we raise the baby calves up to five months old here on this farm.



I was lookin' at tha' calves an' tha' shoulders.



So the calving just happened and it's created a wave and we can see it push up all the ice onto the beach.



That means the rule could be publicized during the middle of calving season and may not be put into effect until even later.


CNN 10 学生英语 2023年1月合集

Calving is the answer here and a nice shelf in Antarctica just dropped a tremendous chip off the old ice block.


SciShow 合集

Its smaller neighbor, the Larsen B ice shelf, partially collapsed in 2002, seven years after calving its own iceberg.

它较小邻居拉森 B 冰架在 2002 年部分坍塌,七年后它自己冰山崩解了。

当月 CNN 10 学生英语 2020年4月合集

So she was able to set up her camera to capture this incredible slow motion footage of the calving which thankfully didn't hurt anyone.


SciShow 合集

Glaciologists, the scientists who study ice and glaciers, know that when icebergs calve, it can make the land ice more likely to collapse.

研究冰和冰川科学家冰川学家知道,当冰山崩解时, 陆地冰更容易崩塌。


And now pretty Silverhorns had calved, the sheep had lambs, the goats had kids, the young stock fairly swarmed about the place.

现在漂亮银角牛产犊了, 绵羊生了小羊羔, 山羊生了孩子, 年轻牲畜在这个地方成群结队。

当月 CNN 10 学生英语 2021年3月合集

They say it's not related to other recent calving events and that's not related to climate change, what they don't know is what the iceberg is going to do next.



And Goldenhorns calved. A great day in the wilderness, a joy and a delight. They gave her flour-wash, and Isak himself saw to it there was no stint of flour, though he had carried it all the way himself, on his back.




eye-opener, eye-opening, eyepatch, eyepiece, eyepit, eyepoint, eyer, eyereach, eyes, eyeservant,


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