It spoils the flavour o' the chine, to my thinking.
There was Etta's long blue crepe de chine evening dress and some white pumps and a rhinestone tiara for her hair.
有 Etta 的蓝色双绉长晚礼服和几双白色浅口鞋, 头发上戴着水钻头饰。
The cold veal, the fresh lettuces, and the stuffed chine might well look tempting to hungry men who had dined at half-past twelve o'clock.
" What a time that gell is drawing th' ale, to be sure" ! said Mrs. Poyser, when she was dispensing her slices of stuffed chine.
Every flitch, every eye- piece, and every chine is buried under the walling; and I fed them pigs with my own hands, Master Swithin, little thinking they would come to this end.
每个护板、每个目镜和每个脊柱都埋在墙下; 我亲手给他们喂猪, 斯威辛大师, 没想到他们会走到这一步。