17.For secretary of state, he selected Dean Rusk, and he conciliated the business community with the choice of Republican C. Douglas Dillon as secretary of the Treasury.
他选择了迪恩·拉斯克 (Dean Rusk) 担任国务卿,选择共党人 C. 道格拉斯·狄龙 (C. Douglas Dillon) 担任财部长,从而调了商界。机翻
「American Heritage History of the Presidents」评价该例句:好评差评指正
18.From the first moment that I beheld Agnes, I had endeavoured to conciliate the favour of her Relations. Authorised by the confession of her regard, I redoubled my exertions.
19.Seeing no further need to conciliate the Southern defectors, Truman issued an executive order mandating integration of the armed forces, a move which increased his popularity among black voters.
「American Heritage History of the Presidents」评价该例句:好评差评指正
American Heritage History of the Presidents
20.Facing a potential challenge to his renomination from Ronald Reagan, Ford had to conciliate the conservative wing of the party and thus asked Nelson Rockefeller to step off the ticket for 1976.