The decadence of morals is bad for a nation.
Nicole glanced again at the woman across the deck--she was fragile, tubercular--it was incredible that such narrow shoulders, such puny arms could bear aloft the pennon of decadence, last ensign of the fading empire.
The decadence and flamboyance that characterized the previous decade came crashing down after October 29, 1929. Now known as Black Tuesday, billions of dollars invested in the stock market were wiped out in a single day.
1929 年 10 月 29 日之后,过去十年的颓废和浮夸轰然倒塌。现在被称为“黑色星期二”,投资于股市的数十亿美元在一天之内化为乌有。
The front room had fine high ceilings and three large windows that loomed down pleasantly upon Fifty-second Street. In its appointments it escaped by a safe margin being of any particular period; it escaped stiffness, stuffiness, bareness, and decadence.