The cold weather had most deleterious consequences among the chrysanthemums.
It also found these rates of adverse events were much higher after COVID-19 than after vaccination, validating the suggestion that the deleterious after-effects of COVID-19 are much more impactful than any potential harms caused by vaccination.
它还发现 COVID-19 后这些不良事件发生率比接种疫苗后高多,证实了 COVID-19 有害后遗症比疫苗接种造成任何潜在危害影响更大建议。
Random changes in an organism's genome, some are seriously harmful and quickly weeded out by natural selection, but many are only mildly deleterious and do not much hamper an individual's chance of reproducing as long as conditions are good.
生物体基因组随机变化,有些是严重有害, 很快就会被自然选择淘汰,但许多只是轻微有害, 只要条件良好, 就不会妨碍个体繁殖机会。