While the researchers assumed that the well-structured daily plans would be most effective when it came to the execution of tasks, they were wrong: the detailed daily plans demotivated students.
When you find yourself alone in an ocean, with your thoughts, the dangers that you face are not just external, like whales, sharks, jellyfish or even demotivating people.
The institutions which rely on their labour and loyalty also deserve the warmth of our appreciation and not the chill of demotivating scapegoating into which criticism can all too easily decay.
Yeah, and people like us we get cheated just by paying and then they demotivate that no, you need another six months of time to prepare for the exam and stuff.
When you want to break that cycle of feeling demotivated, you need to take the bull by its horns, and here are seven different strategies you can choose from to help you do that.
当你想打破这种的循环时,你需要 take the bull by its horns,这里有七种不同的策略可以帮助你做这一点。
" We really want to share our data, but it is heart-breaking and demotivating when we know we worked so hard to generate data, but we don't get the credit for it, " she says.