While their opponents accused them of despotism, wanting to maintain absolute power in the central government, their real motives were mostly practical.
Obedience, unconditional obedience, is the catch-word of tyrants of every description, and to render " assurance doubly sure, " one kind of despotism supports another.
It is so in every gradation of despotism, from that of the gentle and mild government of Paris, to that of the violent and furious government of Constantinople.
So, all notions that the British were trying to do their colonial enterprise out of enlightened despotism to try and bring the benefits of colonialism and civilisation to the benighted.
I maintain that despotism is the best kind of government for them; so that in the hours in which I come in contact with them I must necessarily be an autocrat.
A standing army, for instance, is incompatible with freedom; because subordination and rigour are the very sinews of military discipline; and despotism is necessary to give vigour to enterprises that one will directs.