Critics say the high cost of running for political office in Kenya has disenfranchised special groups like women, the young, and persons living with disabilities.
Prioritizing one sub-culture over another can create social inequalities and disenfranchise those who belong to cultures that are at odds with the mainstream.
Also, many low-income people are disenfranchised from other community supports, and they really benefit from the care and continuity provided by primary care.
A radical green recovery plan should provide jobs to the people who've been disenfranchised for centuries, new jobs planting trees, insulating buildings and working on green technologies.
People of color in Portland have been historically disenfranchised, especially when it comes to one of Suh's biggest businesses, real estate and development.
That just makes a compelling tale, and something the poorer disenfranchised Brits would love to be true because it might vindicate their conviction of the ruling class being wicked.