In addition, only certain murine mAb isotypes hae been shown to effectiely bind to and actiate elements of the human immune system, thereby triggering cytotoxic effector functions10.
They extend from the cranium and sacrum where they start, out to the lungs or liver or bladder — wherever their effector is — where they reach their ganglion.
The sympathetic nervous system is set up in such a way that even a small stress signal sent down one path could trigger a response in many effectors at once.
In addition to nerve fibers that lead to ganglia and then your effectors, there's also a set leaving the spinal cord that goes directly to your adrenal glands.
Their ganglia, for example, are located in different places: The sympathetic ganglia are located near the spinal cord, while on the parasympathetic side, they're close to the effectors.
Once the integration center interprets the signal, it transmits the message to motor neurons, which send an action potential back down your leg, where it reaches an effector.
But they do have a lot of distance to cover, on the other side of the ganglion, in order to reach their effectors. So naturally the fibers leading out of the ganglia are a lot longer.
But in your parasympathetic system, the postganglionic neurons release ACh at their synapses with the effector organs, too as opposed to in the sympathetic system, where effectors get a dose of norepinephrine instead.