Age, sex, activity, genetic phenotype, stress, disease (eg, achlorhydria, malabsorption syndromes), or previous GI surgery can affect drug bioavailability.
The second is self-regulation, which researchers refer to as 'effortful control' of feelings (eg, self-soothing) and of attention (eg, able to hold focus).
A more partisan commission risks losing credibility in its semi-judicial functions such as ruling on state-aid cases (eg, bank bail-outs) and enforcing antitrust rules.
The first is reactivity or negative emotionality, referring to general negative mood, intense negative reactions, and distress either when limits are imposed (eg, anger) or in new situations (eg, fear).
It concluded: " Unlike other forms of bias (eg, racism, sexism) , negativity toward vegetarians and vegans is not widely considered a societal problem; rather, [it] is commonplace and largely accepted."