1.No general rules exist for the length of basins. Someone says that"the length of a basin should not exceed 2,000 meters, elsewise transportation and navigation is impeded".
11.Ser Desmond considered a moment. " Very well. You shall lack no comfort nor courtesy, but freedom of the castle is denied you. Visit the sept as you need, but elsewise remain in Lord Hoster's chambers until Lord Edmure returns" .
戴斯蒙爵士考虑了一会," 很好。您会受到礼遇,住得舒适,但不得在城堡内自由活动。您想话,可以去圣堂,但在艾德慕公爵返回之前别
12." Did he" ? Archmaester Marwyn shrugged. " Perhaps it's good that he died before he got to Oldtown. Elsewise the grey sheep might have had to kill him, and that would have made the poor old dears wring their wrinkled hands" .
" 是吗?" 马尔温博士耸耸肩," 也许他在抵达旧镇之前去世是件好事,否则灰衣绵羊们只好动手杀人,想必那帮可怜老家伙会难过得绞紧自己满是褶皱
13." Especially when we are alone. Elsewise a day will come when a servant walks into a room unannounced, or a guardsman at the door chances to hear something he should not. Do you want more blood on your pretty little hands, my darling" ?
" 尤其是我们独处时。总有一天,会有某位仆人偶然闯进房间,或者某个卫兵不经意间在门外听见了什么。你想让你漂亮小手掌染上更多鲜血吗,亲爱