The difference now is that this group has TikTok and hashtags to emote.
Now fun fact I did actually watch an ad to get one of the emotes and it doesn't work.
" To emote" (emote) is to show emotions or feelings when you're acting.
And he is not exactly like the dad that emotes.
- 而且他并完全像情绪化的父亲。
Because my eyesight isn't that good but I see a lot of emotes.
The only thing that my son and daughter want for their birthdays are Skyblock coins and digital emotes for their characters.
我的儿女想要的生是空岛生存(Skyblock)币 和他们角色的虚拟表情。
You have boys and girls, men and women emoting with, say, anger or aggression, and they're using different language.
That's why you can see Oldman's real forehead creases emote as much as his mouth.
这就是为什么你可以看到 Oldman 真实的前额皱纹和他的嘴一样多。
But while Pinocchio had to look wooden, he also needed to emote, and even sing and dance.
What you're seeing is a spam of " Hello, TED" good-vibe emotes, love emotes, " this is awesome, " " Hi, guys, " " Hi, everyone."
你看到的是垃圾邮件“你好, TED” 良好的氛围表情, 爱情表情,“这太棒了”,“嗨,伙计们” ,“嗨,大家好。
It starts with this: As rational as we like to think we are, and as logical, the truth is that we emote first and we reason later.
Weta's animators then had to map those performances onto the digital ape models, making the apes deliver their lines and emote in ways that stayed true to the actors' choices without feeling too human.
Weta 的动画师必须将这些表演映射到数字猿类模型上,让猿类以忠实于演员选择的方式表达台词和表情, 而又会让人觉得太人性化。