At London he really got to know the meaning of sublime fatuity.
在伦敦, 他真正了解了崇高含义。
He admired his gravity which, though tinged with a certain modest fatuity, he never abandoned for a single moment.
他钦佩自己庄重, 虽有某种适度, 但他一刻也有放弃。
She turned sick at the thought of her fatuity and of the grossness of his arts.
一想到自己和他粗俗手段, 她就恶心起来。
He used to go out with him into the courtyard and listen submissively to pieces of fatuity enough to send one to sleep standing.
他过去常常和他一起出去到院子里, 顺从地听着足以让一个人站着睡昏昏欲睡片段。
It was the Prince Korasoff, that London friend of his, who had initiated him some months before into the elementary rules of high fatuity.
几个月前,正是他伦敦朋友科拉索夫亲王 (Prince Korasoff) 向他灌输了高度基本规则。